If you’re into business, or are a business analyst candidate, Power BI is a tool you must know. Nevertheless, the use of Power BI has been increasing in the market since its release by Microsoft in 2013.

Candidates appearing for an interview where you’re expected to face questions based on Power BI, this guide will be quite handy. From basic to technical to advanced, we have covered questions on all topics related to this tool.

Let’s start with some fundamentals about Power BI before we start with the interview questions.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a collection of software services, apps, and connectors developed by Microsoft. It helps you transform your raw data from various sources into meaningful insights, enabling you to make informed decisions.

What are the functions of Power BI?

Here's a breakdown of its key functionalities:

  1. Connecting to Data

Power BI can connect to a wide range of data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, cloud-based databases, on-premises data warehouses, and even social media platforms.

  1. Data Visualization

Once connected, Power BI allows you to visualize your data in various formats like charts, graphs, maps, and dashboards. These visuals help you identify trends, patterns, and relationships within your data.

  1. Interactive Exploration

Power BI reports are interactive, allowing you to drill down into specific data points, filter information, and ask questions of your data. This enables you to gain deeper insights and uncover hidden patterns.

  1. Sharing and Collaboration

You can easily share your reports and dashboards with others within your organization, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making. Power BI also offers mobile access, allowing users to view reports on the go.

What are the benefits of Power BI?

Here are the key benefits of Power BI:

  1. Improved decision-making: By turning data into clear visuals, Power BI empowers you to make data-driven decisions.

  2. Increased efficiency: It saves time and effort by simplifying data analysis and visualization.

  3. Enhanced collaboration: Sharing insights fosters better communication and teamwork.

  4. Accessibility: Power BI offers various options, from free desktop software to cloud-based solutions, catering to different needs and budgets.

Who uses Power BI?

Power BI is widely used by various professionals, including:

  1. Business analysts: To analyze data and generate reports for stakeholders.

  2. Data scientists: To explore and discover insights from complex datasets.

  3. Marketers: To track marketing campaign performance and gain customer insights.

  4. Sales professionals: To monitor sales trends and identify potential leads.

  5. Executives: To gain a comprehensive overview of their business performance.

15 basic interview questions and answers on Power BI

1. What is Power BI desktop?

Power BI Desktop is a free application that allows you to connect to, transform, visualize, and analyze data. It's the foundation for building reports and dashboards within the Power BI ecosystem.

You can use Power BI Desktop to:

  • Import data from various sources.
  • Clean and transform data using Power Query.
  • Create visualizations like charts, graphs, and maps.
  • Develop interactive reports and dashboards.
  • Share your reports with others through Power BI Service.

2. How much experience do you have in using Power BI?

I have been using Power BI for [X years/months] and have experience in all aspects of the platform, including data connection, transformation, visualization, and report development. I have also created interactive dashboards and shared them with stakeholders for decision-making.

3. With what other tools in Microsoft can Power BI collaborate with?

Power BI integrates seamlessly with various Microsoft tools, including:

  1. Excel: You can use the Excel BI Toolkit to create basic reports and then publish them to Power BI for further analysis and sharing.

  2. Azure: Power BI leverages Azure cloud services for data storage, scalability, and collaboration.

  3. Microsoft Teams: You can embed Power BI reports and dashboards directly into Teams channels for easy access and collaboration.

  4. SharePoint: Power BI reports can be integrated with SharePoint sites for centralized access and governance.

4. Differentiate between Power BI and Tableu.

Both Power BI and Tableau are popular business intelligence tools, but they have key differences:

  1. Pricing: Power BI offers a freemium model with a free desktop version and paid cloud services, while Tableau primarily offers paid licenses.

  2. Learning curve: Power BI is considered easier to learn due to its intuitive interface and integration with other Microsoft products. Tableau might require more technical expertise.

  3. Data source connectivity: Both offer extensive connectivity options, but Power BI might have an edge with native integration with Microsoft products.

  4. Customization: Tableau offers more customization options for visualizations and dashboards, while Power BI focuses on user-friendliness and ease of use.

5. How many versions does Power BI have? What are they?

Power BI has three main versions:

  1. Power BI Desktop: The free application for individual data analysis and report creation.

  2. Power BI Service: The cloud-based platform for sharing reports, collaborating with others, and managing access.

  3. Power BI Mobile: Mobile apps for viewing reports and dashboards on the go.

Additionally, Power BI offers Pro and Premium versions within the Power BI Service, providing additional features like increased storage capacity and advanced security controls.

6. What are the major components of Power BI?

Power BI consists of several key components that work together to facilitate data analysis and visualization:

  • Power BI Desktop: The application for data import, transformation, visualization, and report creation.
  • Power Query: The data transformation engine for cleaning, shaping, and preparing data for analysis.
  • Power Pivot: The in-memory analytics engine for performing complex calculations and creating custom metrics.
  • Data Model: The underlying structure that defines relationships between tables and columns in your data.
  • Visualizations: Charts, graphs, maps, and other elements used to represent data visually.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Collections of visuals arranged to tell a specific story or convey insights.
  • Power BI Service: The cloud platform for sharing reports, collaborating with others, and managing access.
  • Power BI Mobile: Mobile apps for viewing reports and dashboards on the go.

7. List some unique features of Power BI.

Seamless integration with Microsoft ecosystem: Power BI integrates well with other Microsoft products like Excel, Azure, and Teams, offering a cohesive experience.

  • Quick Insights: Power BI automatically generates insights from your data, helping you discover hidden patterns and trends.
  • Natural Language Query: You can interact with your data using natural language, making it accessible to users with less technical expertise.
  • Custom visuals: Power BI allows you to extend its functionality with custom visuals created by the community, catering to specific needs.
  • Embedded analytics: You can embed Power BI reports and dashboards into other applications like websites and portals for wider dissemination.

8. How does Power BI compare to other BI tools?

Feature Power BI Tableau QlikView
Pricing Freemium (Desktop), Paid Cloud Services Primarily Paid Licenses Paid Licenses
Learning Curve Easier Steeper Moderate
Data Source Connectivity Extensive Extensive Extensive
Customization Moderate High High
Collaboration Strong integration with Microsoft Teams Moderate Moderate

9. What is the difference between Power Query and Power Pivot?

Power Query: Focuses on data transformation. It allows you to connect to various data sources, clean and shape data, and prepare it for analysis.

Power Pivot: Deals with data analysis. It enables you to create calculated columns and measures, perform complex calculations, and build sophisticated data models.

10. What is the function of Filters in Power BI?

Filters allow you to control which data is displayed in your visualizations.

You can apply filters at different levels:

  1. Visual level: Filters specific data points within a single visualization.

  2. Page level: Filters data across all visuals on a report page.

  3. Report level: Filters data displayed throughout the entire report.

11. What is Data Analysis Expressions or DAX?

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language used within Power BI to create calculated columns, measures, and other advanced calculations. It allows you to manipulate data, perform complex calculations, and create custom metrics not readily available in the raw data.

12. What languages are used to create custom visuals in Power BI?

Custom visuals in Power BI can be developed using various languages, including JavaScript, Python, JQuery, and R.

13. What are some drawbacks of using Power BI?

Limited offline functionality: Power BI Desktop requires an internet connection for some features, and offline functionality is limited in the cloud service.

Scalability limitations: The free version of Power BI has limitations on data storage and user access, requiring paid upgrades for larger deployments.

Customization limitations: Compared to some competitors, Power BI offers less flexibility in customizing the overall look and feel of reports and dashboards.

14. How are relationships defined in Power BI desktop?

Relationships are established between tables in your data model to connect related data points and ensure consistent analysis. You define relationships by specifying matching columns between tables that contain unique identifiers. These relationships enable Power BI to navigate and analyze data across different tables effectively.

15. What are the differences between Power BI and Excel?

Feature Power BI Excel
Purpose Business Intelligence and Data Visualization General-purpose spreadsheet and data analysis
Data Handling Large datasets, optimized for big data Smaller datasets, suitable for personal use
Data Sources Connects to various data sources, databases Primarily relies on manual data entry or import
Data Modeling Robust data modeling capabilities Basic data modeling features
Visualization Rich and interactive visualizations Basic charting and visualization tools
Sharing Online sharing and collaboration features Limited sharing, often through email or file
Collaboration Designed for team collaboration Collaboration is limited compared to Power BI
Automation Limited automation capabilities Supports macros and scripting for automation
Data Analysis Advanced analytics, DAX language for formulas Formulas and functions for data analysis
Real-time Data Real-time data streaming and analysis Limited real-time data capabilities
Cost Subscription-based pricing model One-time purchase or part of Microsoft 365

15 intermediate interview questions and answers on Power BI

16. Explain the use of GetData in Power BI.

GetData is a function in Power Query that initiates the data import process. It allows you to specify the data source you want to connect to, such as an Excel file, database, or web API. After using GetData, you can further transform and shape your data using Power Query's capabilities.

17. What connectivity modes are available in Power BI?

Power BI offers various connectivity modes to access data from different sources:

  1. Import mode: Data is copied and stored locally within the Power BI Desktop or service. This is suitable for smaller datasets or static data.

  2. Live connection mode: Establishes a real-time connection to the data source. Any changes in the source data are reflected immediately in Power BI visuals. This is ideal for frequently updated data.

  3. DirectQuery mode: Queries the data source directly without copying it. This is efficient for very large datasets but might have performance limitations for complex visualizations.

18. What are the different data sources you can have in Power BI?

Power BI supports a wide range of data sources, including:

  • Files: Excel spreadsheets, CSV files, text files, JSON files, etc.
  • Databases: Relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, etc.
  • Cloud storage: Cloud platforms like Azure Blob Storage, OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.
  • Web services: APIs from various online services and applications.
  • Social media: Data from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc.

19. List the various refresh options and their functions.

Power BI offers different refresh options to update data in your reports:

  • Scheduled refresh: Automatically refreshes data at specified intervals.
  • Manual refresh: Allows users to manually trigger a data refresh.
  • Incremental refresh: Updates only the portion of data that has changed since the last refresh, improving performance for large datasets.
  • Push refresh: Enables external applications to trigger data refresh in Power BI Service.

20. What is the use of Time Intelligence?

Time intelligence (TI) functions in Power BI allow you to perform calculations and analysis based on time-related data. These functions help you analyze trends, patterns, and seasonality within your data over time.

Examples of TI functions include:

  • DATE, YEAR, MONTH: Extract specific date components.
  • DATESBETWEEN, CALENDAR: Create custom date tables.
  • PREVIOUSYEAR, YOY GROWTH: Compare current data to previous periods.

21. Explain the built-in maps in Power BI.

Power BI provides built-in mapping capabilities to visualize your data geographically. You can plot data points on various map types, including world maps, regional maps, and custom maps. This allows you to identify geographical trends, patterns, and outliers within your data.

In Power BI, there are four types of built-in map visuals:

  1. Map (Basic)

  2. Filled Map

  3. ArcGIS Maps

  4. Shape Map

22. Where is stored data located in Power BI?

The location of data in Power BI depends on the chosen connectivity mode:

  • Import mode: Data is stored within the Power BI Desktop or service, depending on where the report is published.
  • Live connection mode: Data remains in the original source database.
  • DirectQuery mode: Data is not stored in Power BI and is queried directly from the source.

23. What is the benefit of using general formatting in Power BI?

General formatting in Power BI allows you to apply consistent formatting styles across your entire report or specific sections. This includes formatting elements like fonts, colors, backgrounds, and text alignment. Benefits of using general formatting:

  • Improved visual consistency: Creates a professional and polished look for your reports.
  • Reduced time spent: Applying formatting once to a style and applying it throughout saves time and effort.
  • Easier maintenance: Changes to formatting styles can be applied centrally, affecting all elements using that style.

24. What do you mean by row-level security?

Row Level Security or RLS is a security feature in Power BI that allows you to restrict data access at the row level based on user roles. You define rules that filter data based on user roles. For example, certain users may only see data related to their department or region.

Use Case: RLS is crucial for maintaining data confidentiality and ensuring that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized users.

25. What is a content pack?

A content pack is a pre-built collection of dashboards, reports, and datasets in Power BI. Content packs allow you to share and distribute standardized analytics content within your organization.

Example: Imagine a sales content pack containing sales performance dashboards, KPIs, and relevant reports that can be easily imported and customized.

26. How do you use a custom visual file?

Custom visuals extend Power BI’s visualization capabilities beyond the built-in charts and graphs.

How to Use:

  • Download custom visual files (usually in .pbiviz format) from the Power BI marketplace or other sources.
  • Import the custom visual into your Power BI report by going to “Visualizations” > “Import from file.”
  • Customize and use the visual just like any other built-in visual.

27. What is bi-directional cross filtering?

Bi-directional cross filtering allows relationships between tables to work in both directions. Suppose you have a sales table and a product table. With bi-directional cross filtering, selecting a product can filter the sales data, and vice versa.

Use Case: Useful when analyzing data where relationships need to flow in multiple directions.

28. Explain M Language in Power BI.

M is the formula language used in Power Query, which is part of Power BI. M is used for data transformation, cleaning, and shaping within Power Query. When you load data from different sources, M language helps you combine, filter, and transform data before it reaches your Power BI model.

29. What are the most common tasks performed with Query Editor?

Most common tasks in Query Editor are

  • Connect to Data: In Power Query Editor, connect to data sources (e.g., Excel, web) and load data into Power BI Desktop.
  • Shape and Combine Data: Transform data by filtering, merging, splitting, and aggregating.
  • Group Rows: Group data based on specific columns.
  • Pivot Columns: Rotate column values into new columns.
  • Create Custom Columns: Add calculated columns using DAX expressions.
  • Query Formulas: Write custom formulas for data manipulation.

30. What are the main criteria that a table must meet to be utilized in Power Map?

  • Geographic Properties: Tables must contain geographic properties (e.g., city names, zip codes, longitudes, latitudes).
  • X and Y Coordinates: Data should have X and Y coordinates for mapping.
  • Custom Maps: You can create custom maps by importing images (e.g., floor plans, transit route maps) and associating them with data.

Some more help for your interview:

1.Common Query Tasks in Power BI Desktop
2. Create a Custom Map in Power Map
3. DAX Syntax Reference

15 technical Power BI interview questions and answers

31. What are the steps to create a map in Power Map?

  • Open an Excel workbook with relevant data.
  • Click Insert > Map.
  • Choose New Tour in Power Map.
  • Create a New Custom Map by adding a background picture (in .jpg, .bmp, or .png format).
  • Adjust X and Y coordinates.
  • Explore and visualize data on the 3D globe.

32. What is the syntax of DAX? Give an example.

A basic DAX formula starts with an equal sign (=). You can use scalar constants, references to columns or tables, operators, and expressions.

Example: Total Sales = SUM('Sales'[Amount])

33. What is the in-memory analytics engine utilized by Power Pivot?

The in-memory analytics engine used by Power Pivot is called VertiPaq. It's a columnar database that stores and processes data in RAM, enabling fast and efficient data analysis. VertiPaq compresses data significantly, reducing storage requirements while allowing for quick retrieval and manipulation.

34. What gateways are available in Power BI, and what is their significance?

Power BI offers two types of gateways:

  1. On-premises data gateway: Allows secure access to on-premises data sources that are not directly accessible from the cloud. This is essential for connecting to corporate databases and other internal data sources.

  2. Personal gateway: Enables individual users to refresh data in reports and personal workspaces on Power BI Service. This is helpful for personal use cases and small-scale deployments.

Gateways act as secure bridges between Power BI and on-premises data sources, facilitating data access and refresh for cloud-based reports and dashboards.

35. How is the FILTER function applied?

The FILTER function in DAX allows you to create a virtual table containing a subset of data based on specific criteria. It takes two arguments:

  1. Table expression: The table you want to filter.
  2. Filter expression: A logical expression that defines the filtering condition.

For example, FILTER(SalesTable, Sales > 1000) would create a new table containing only rows from the SalesTable where the Sales value is greater than 1000.

36. How can trailing X month metrics be generated through DAX for a non-standard calendar?

Calculating trailing X month metrics for a non-standard calendar requires advanced DAX techniques. Here's a general approach:

  • Create a custom calendar table: Define a table with date dimensions relevant to your non-standard calendar.
  • Use DATEADD function: Calculate the date X months prior to the current date based on your custom calendar logic.
  • Filter data: Use the calculated date to filter your main data table and identify relevant records for the trailing X months.
  • Aggregate data: Apply aggregation functions like SUM or AVERAGE to calculate the desired metric for the filtered data.

This approach requires adapting the specific calculations and logic to your particular non-standard calendar structure.

37. How would you design a report showcasing the top-selling products based on their sales?

Here's how you can design a report for top-selling products:

  • Visualizations: Use a bar chart to display the top products on the X-axis and their total sales on the Y-axis.
  • Filters: Allow users to filter by date range, product category, or other relevant dimensions.
  • Slicers: Use slicers to enable interactive exploration of different product segments.
  • Conditional formatting: Highlight the top X products with different colors or formatting for better visual identification.
  • Tooltips: Provide additional details like product description, percentage of total sales, etc., on hover.

This design offers a clear visual representation of top-selling products while enabling further exploration and analysis through interactive elements.

38. Explain the purpose of the CALCULATE function in DAX.

The CALCULATE function in DAX allows you to modify the context for evaluating another DAX expression. It takes three arguments:

  1. Expression to evaluate: The DAX formula you want to calculate with a modified context.

  2. Table expression: The table to use for the calculation.

  3. Filter expression (optional): A logical expression to further restrict the data used in the calculation.

CALCULATE is essential for creating complex calculations that require modifying the evaluation context based on specific conditions or filters.

39. What occurs when the Infocus mode of a tile on the Power BI dashboard is selected in the browser?

Selecting the Infocus mode for a tile on a Power BI dashboard in the browser expands the tile to fill the entire screen. This provides a focused view of the visualization and its underlying data, allowing users to explore details and interact with the data points more effectively.

Infocus mode is helpful for presenting specific insights or visualizations in greater detail during presentations or discussions.

40. What distinguishes the CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE functions in terms of uniqueness?

Purpose Alters the context of an existing calculation by applying filters Creates a new table based on the original, applying filters and modifications
Effect on Context Modifies the filter context of an expression Creates a new table context with specified filters and modifications
Table Structure Does not change the table structure itself Creates a new table with modified data, potentially altering structure
Usage Typically used for modifying filters within a single calculation Useful when a new table is needed with specific filters for subsequent analysis
Examples CALCULATE(SUM(Sales), Region = "North") CALCULATETABLE(Products, Category = "A")

41. How to integrate SSRS with Power BI?

While SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services) and Power BI are both Microsoft reporting tools, they cater to different purposes. However, they can be integrated for a comprehensive reporting solution:

  1. Publish SSRS reports to Power BI Service: Export SSRS reports in paginated report format (.RDL) and upload them to Power BI Service. This allows embedding interactive SSRS reports within Power BI dashboards.

  2. Embed Power BI reports in SSRS reports: Utilize SSRS report viewer controls to display Power BI reports directly within SSRS reports. This enables combining static SSRS reports with dynamic Power BI visualizations.

  3. Leverage shared data sources: Establish a single source of truth for data by configuring both SSRS and Power BI to use the same data models or warehouses. This ensures data consistency across reports.

42. What is the standard table function for grouping data?

The primary function for grouping data in Power BI is SUMMARIZE. This function aggregates data based on specified columns and expressions, creating a new table with summarized values. It allows grouping by multiple columns and applying various aggregation functions like SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, etc.

43. In visualizing the overseas sales of a product using Power BI, what approach would you take?

Here's an approach to visualize overseas sales of a product in Power BI:

  1. Filter data: Begin by filtering the data to include only overseas sales. This can be achieved using table filters or DAX expressions.

  2. Choose appropriate visuals: Select visuals that effectively represent overseas sales data. Consider options like:

  • Bar chart: Compare sales figures of different products or regions.

  • Map chart: Visualize geographical distribution of overseas sales.

  • Line chart: Track sales trends over time for overseas markets.

  1. Add context: Enrich the visualization with additional elements like:
  • Slicers: Allow users to interactively filter by product, region, or other relevant dimensions.

  • Tooltips: Provide detailed information on hover, including specific sales figures or percentages.

  • Titles and labels: Clearly label axes and provide a descriptive title for the visualization.

44. List some DAX functions.

DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) is a formula language used within Power BI for calculations and data manipulation.

Here are some common DAX functions:

  • SUM: Calculates the total of a numeric column.
  • AVERAGE: Calculates the average of a numeric column.
  • COUNT: Counts the number of rows in a table or the number of non-blank values in a column.
  • MIN and MAX: Return the minimum and maximum values in a column, respectively.
  • CALCULATE and CALCULATETABLE: As explained earlier, modify existing calculations or create new filtered tables.
  • DATE and TIME functions: Work with dates and times for various manipulations.
  • Logical functions: Perform logical operations like AND, OR, and IF.

45. What are the requirements to use Power BI with MS Teams?

To use Power BI with MS Teams, you'll need:

  1. Microsoft 365 subscription: Both Power BI and Teams are part of the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.
  2. Power BI Pro or Premium license: While the free version of Power BI offers limited functionalities, interacting with Power BI reports within Teams requires a Pro or Premium license.
  3. Teams app for Power BI: Install the Power BI app from the Teams app store. This enables embedding and interacting with Power BI reports directly within Teams channels or conversations.

15 advanced technical questions on Power BI with answers

46. How does row context and filter context impact DAX calculations in Power BI?

Row context: Refers to the specific row of data currently being evaluated in a DAX formula. Calculations consider the values in other columns of that same row.

Filter context: Represents the set of rows currently being considered for calculation due to applied filters in the report or slicers.


  • Row context: DAX functions like SUMX or AVERAGEX iterate through each row, using values from that specific row in calculations.
  • Filter context: Filters limit the rows used in calculations, affecting the results of functions like SUM or COUNT.

47. How does the DAX function "ALLEXCEPT" differ from "ALL"?

ALL: Removes all filters from the entire formula context, regardless of table or column.
ALLEXCEPT: Removes filters from specific columns while preserving filters on other columns within the same table.

Use cases:

  • ALL: Useful for calculations requiring unfiltered data, like calculating overall totals regardless of slicers or filters.
  • ALLEXCEPT: Helpful for isolating the impact of specific columns while maintaining context from other filters, often used in measures.

48. What is the VertiPaq engine, and how does it optimize data storage in Power BI?

VertiPaq: In-memory relational engine powering Power BI.


  • Columnar storage: Stores data in columns instead of rows, enabling faster retrieval for specific columns.
  • Data compression: Compresses data to reduce storage requirements and improve loading times.
  • Caching: Frequently accessed data is cached for quicker retrieval.

49. Differentiate between calculated columns and measures in Power BI. When would you choose one over the other?

Calculated columns: Extend the data model by adding new columns with formulas based on existing data.

Measures: Dynamic calculations that summarize or analyze data, often used in visualizations.

Choosing between them:

  • Calculated column: When the new data is needed throughout the model for further calculations or visualizations.
  • Measure: For flexible calculations that can be easily adjusted based on user interaction or slicers.

50. Describe the role of cardinality in Power BI relationships and its impact on query performance.

Cardinality: Represents the number of related rows in one table for a single row in another table.


  • Low cardinality: Faster query performance due to efficient filtering and joining.
  • High cardinality: Slower queries as more rows need to be compared during joins.

Maintaining low cardinality:

  • Filtering data before establishing relationships.
  • Creating bridge tables for many-to-many relationships.

51. How do you optimize Power BI data models for better query performance?

Here are some strategies to optimize Power BI data models for better query performance:

  • Minimize data duplication: Avoid storing redundant data in multiple tables.
  • Denormalize for specific visuals: Consider denormalizing data for frequently used visualizations to improve query speed.
  • Filter data before establishing relationships: Reduce the number of rows involved in joins by filtering beforehand.
  • Use appropriate data types: Choose data types that efficiently represent the information.
  • Optimize column relationships: Establish relationships with clear cardinality (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one).
  • Utilize partitioning techniques: Partition large tables for faster filtering and aggregation.

52. What is query folding in Power BI and why is it important for performance optimization?

Query folding: Pushes calculations from Power BI down to the underlying data source (e.g., SQL Server).


  • Reduces processing load on Power BI Desktop or Service.
  • Improves query performance by leveraging the data source's processing power.

53. Explain the concept of query dependencies and how they affect Power BI report refresh times.

Query dependencies: Relationships between tables in the data model can create dependencies.

Impact: Changes in one table can trigger refreshes in dependent tables, potentially affecting overall refresh time.

Minimizing dependencies:

  • Optimize relationships: Ensure relationships are clearly defined and avoid unnecessary complexity.
  • Filter data efficiently: Use filters strategically to reduce the number of rows involved in calculations.

54. How can you implement dynamic security in Power BI to restrict data access based on user roles?

Dynamic security: Controls data access based on user attributes like department, role, or location.


  • Utilize Row-Level Security (RLS) in Power BI Desktop or Service.
  • Define DAX expressions to filter data based on user properties.

55. Explain the concept of star schema and snowflake schema in the context of Power BI data modeling.

Star schema: Central fact table with dimension tables connected by foreign keys.
Snowflake schema: Dimension tables further normalized into smaller, more granular tables.

Choosing between them:

  • Star schema: Simpler to understand and manage, often preferred for smaller datasets or quick reporting needs.
  • Snowflake schema: Reduces data redundancy and improves query performance for complex data models with many dimensions.

56. What are the limitations and considerations when working with large datasets in Power BI?

Limitations while working with large data sets:

  • Performance: Query performance can slow down significantly with massive datasets.
  • Memory constraints: Power BI Desktop or Service may encounter memory limitations when processing large datasets.
  • Data refresh times: Refreshing reports with extensive data can take longer.


  • Partitioning: Utilize partitioning techniques to manage large tables efficiently.
  • Incremental refresh: Configure incremental refreshes to update only changed data instead of refreshing the entire dataset.
  • Cloud-based solutions: Consider Power BI Premium or Azure Analysis Services for handling very large datasets.

57. Explain the purpose and usage of the EARLIER function in DAX.

Purpose: The EARLIER function in DAX returns the value of an earlier iteration within a calculated column formula.


  • Calculate running totals or compare values to previous periods.
  • Enables complex calculations that require referencing previous values within the same formula.

58. How do you handle many-to-many relationships in Power BI data modeling?

Challenge: Direct many-to-many relationships can lead to performance issues and ambiguous data interpretation.

Solution: Create a bridge table with foreign keys referencing both related tables.

Bridge table: Defines a one-to-many relationship with each of the original tables, resolving the many-to-many connection.

59. What are the differences between calculated columns and calculated tables in Power BI?

Feature Calculated Column Calculated Table
Creation location Data view Model view
Data modification Modifies existing data within a table Creates a new table based on a DAX formula
Scope of usage Used throughout the model for further calculations and visualizations Primarily used in measures for specific calculations

60. Describe the techniques for handling time intelligence functions and calculations in Power BI, especially around irregular calendars.


  • Utilize built-in time intelligence functions like DATEADD, DATESYTD, or PREVIOUSYEAR.
  • Create custom DAX formulas to handle specific date calculations.


  • Calendar systems: Be mindful of different calendar systems (e.g., fiscal year vs. calendar year) and adjust calculations accordingly.
  • Date hierarchies: Leverage date hierarchies in Power BI to navigate through different time levels (e.g., year, quarter, month).

Bonus questions for a Power BI interview

61. What are the editing capabilities available in the Editing view, and how does the access level change when sharing reports with colleagues or when users consume reports in your My workspace?

In the Editing view, you have the ability to make modifications to reports as you are the creator and owner of the report. When you share the report with colleagues, their typical access is limited to the Reading view. Users who are consumers of reports within your My workspace have restricted interaction capabilities.

62. What are some of the key improvements made to reporting in the December 2023 update?

The December 2023 update for Power BI introduced several key improvements and new features to enhance reporting, data visualization, and user interaction.

Here's a summary of the updates based on the provided content:

Key Improvements to Reporting:

  1. On-object Interaction Updates: A new default setup was introduced to give users more flexibility and a classic look, including moving the “build a visual” menu to the pane switcher, showing both build and data panes expanded by default, and other pane management enhancements.

  2. Multi-select in Data Flyout: This feature allows users to add fields in bulk to visuals, improving efficiency in report creation.

  3. In-product User Education: New teaching bubbles were added to guide users through the changes in on-object interaction, helping them find features and settings more easily.

Consider going through this update by Microsoft to have more knowledge on the following questions.

63. How does the new Title card feature enhance data labels in visualizations?

The Title card feature enhances data labels in visualizations by enabling the display of legend fields on data labels. This allows for a cleaner look by omitting the legend and provides options for customized data label titles using different data fields, with adjustable font style, color, and transparency.

64. What is the purpose of the Detail card feature, and how can it be used?

The Detail card feature introduces the capability to include a secondary metric in data labels, unlocking new potential for data analysis. Users can choose any field to add as an extra value, with a full range of formatting options available. This feature significantly enhances the data density in charts.

65. What are the different options available for visual label layout in the December update?

The December update offers new options for visual label layout, allowing users to choose between a sleek single-line data label or a multi-line data label. This flexibility helps in accommodating more information in a visually appealing manner, tailored to the specific needs of the report.

66. Describe the new clustering aggregation support for bubble layers in Azure Maps visuals.

A powerful enhancement was introduced to the Power BI Azure Maps visual with the clustering aggregation feature for the bubble layer. This feature enables dynamic aggregation of data within bubble layers based on zoom levels and allows users to customize the visual representation of clustered data with options for bubble colors, font size, and more. This enhancement improves the user experience by enabling more impactful and informative geospatial visualizations.

Find more knowledge on the below questions with this blog by Microsoft. It highlights recent updates from Power BI.

If you’re unsure of what to answer when asked questions about recent updates, you can give generic answers like the following.

67. Can you describe the new styling options introduced for column and bar charts in the latest update?

Power BI updates often include enhancements to visualization options, such as additional styling capabilities for column and bar charts. These can include new ways to customize the appearance of charts, such as adjusting the transparency of fill colors, adding borders, and modifying layout options to better convey the data story.

68. How does the Azure Maps clustering aggregation feature benefit users working with bubble layer visualizations?

Clustering aggregation support in Azure Maps visuals allows users to dynamically aggregate data points into clusters at different zoom levels. This feature benefits users by improving the readability of maps with dense data points, enabling a clearer understanding of geographical data distributions and trends.

69. Explain the concept of "on-object interaction updates" and how they might improve user experience.

On-object interaction updates typically aim to improve the user experience by making it easier to interact with visuals and objects directly on the report canvas. These updates can include enhancements to the selection, resizing, and editing of visuals, providing a more intuitive and efficient report design process.

70. What is the purpose of the "Alerting on your Power BI reports with Data Activator"?

This feature likely refers to the integration of alerting capabilities within Power BI reports, allowing users to set up notifications based on specific data conditions. The purpose is to enable users to monitor their data more effectively and receive timely alerts when data meets certain criteria, facilitating quicker decision-making and response to changes.

71. What are some potential use cases for the new Button Slicer feature?

The Button Slicer feature could be designed to enhance the interactivity of reports by allowing users to filter and slice data through button clicks. Potential use cases include creating interactive dashboards where viewers can easily switch between different views or data segments, improving the user experience and making the analysis more dynamic and accessible.

Next Steps

After preparing interview questions for a Power BI interview, a candidate should focus on several key areas to further enhance their readiness. Here are some insights on how to prepare effectively:

Ask questions: Asking questions to the hiring manager about more insights on the role can increase your chances of getting hired!

1. Deep Dive into Power BI Features and Functionality

  • Practice with Real Data: Use Power BI to create reports and dashboards using real or sample datasets. This hands-on experience will help you understand the nuances of data modeling, visualization, and DAX (Data Analysis Expressions).

  • Explore Advanced Features: Familiarize yourself with advanced Power BI features such as Power Query Editor, custom visuals, and the use of parameters. Knowing how to use these features can set you apart from other candidates.

2. Understand Data Modeling Concepts

  • Learn about Data Relationships: Understand how to create and manage relationships between different data sources and the implications of one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.

  • Study Star Schema and Snowflake Schema: These are common data modeling techniques used in business intelligence. Knowing when and how to use them in Power BI can be crucial.

3. Master DAX and Power Query M

  • Practice DAX Formulas: DAX is essential for creating calculated columns, measures, and tables in Power BI. Focus on commonly used functions like CALCULATE, FILTER, ALL, and RELATED.

  • Get Comfortable with Power Query M: Although less emphasized, knowing how to manipulate data with Power Query M can significantly improve your data preparation process.

4. Review Power BI Service and Collaboration Features

  • Understand Publishing and Sharing: Know how to publish reports from Power BI Desktop to Power BI Service and share them with others.

  • Explore Collaboration Tools: Familiarize yourself with features like Power BI Apps, Workspaces, and the integration with other Microsoft services (e.g., Teams, SharePoint).

5. Prepare for Scenario-Based Questions

  • Think in Scenarios: Be ready to discuss how you would approach specific business scenarios using Power BI. This includes choosing the right visuals, optimizing model performance, and ensuring data accuracy.

  • Portfolio of Projects: If possible, prepare a portfolio of your Power BI projects that you can discuss or demonstrate during the interview. This can provide concrete examples of your skills and approach to problem-solving.

6. Stay Updated with Power BI Updates

  • Follow Power BI Blog: Microsoft frequently updates Power BI with new features and improvements. Staying updated with these changes can show your commitment to continuous learning.

7. Mock Interviews and Feedback

  • Conduct Mock Interviews: Practice with friends, mentors, or through online platforms. This can help you get comfortable with articulating your thoughts and dealing with nerves.

  • Seek Feedback: If possible, get feedback on your Power BI projects or your approach to solving hypothetical business problems from peers or mentors experienced in the field.

8. Soft Skills and Business Acumen

  • Develop Storytelling Skills: Being able to tell a compelling story with data is as important as technical skills. Practice how you would present your findings to both technical and non-technical audiences.

  • Understand the Business Context: Knowing how Power BI solutions can drive business decisions is crucial. Be prepared to discuss how your work can impact business outcomes.

By focusing on these areas, you can enhance your readiness for a Power BI interview beyond just preparing questions. Good luck!

This article has been written by Pansy Thakuria. She works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens. Her areas of interest include marketing, mental well-being, travel, and digital tech. When she’s not writing, she’s usually planning trips to remote locations and stalking animals on social media.