Have you ever found yourself counting down the minutes until the end of your workday?

You know you should be working, but you just can't get your head around it. It's like you have this important engagement; all you can think of is getting out of here ASAP. But you don't want to spill out the real reason to your manager.

It's a tricky situation, but you don't have to worry. We've compiled a list of the top 15 good excuses to leave work early just for such a situation. From family emergencies to personal illness, we've got you covered. To make it even better, we included some helpful tips on how to pull it off along with some bad excuses to avoid.

Although making excuses to leave work early may sound exciting, it should not be used to skip your duties. It can get you into trouble and harm your credibility at work if you use it frequently. So, it’s better to use any excuse only when it is really necessary.

Furthermore, before you start making any excuses, you should understand that the approval for your early departure is not solely dependent on the excuses you give. Factors such as company culture, policies, habits in the workplace, etc., will have a direct impact on the likelihood.

So, Let's get going and look at the factors that can make your request for an early leave successful! Then, we'll explore the different acceptable excuses you can use to make your early take off from office a reality.

Factors That May Affect Your Likelihood to Leave Early


Just like no two employees are the same, no two workplaces are similar. Some companies are more understanding and flexible about its work hours, while others are less so. So, it's important to know how your workplace operates before you make any excuses to leave work early.

A little early departure isn't a big deal once in a while. But some situations might make getting approval for your early leave difficult. Here are some factors that might affect the likelihood of your excuses to leave work early:

1. Culture of the company

When deciding whether to make any excuses to leave work early, company culture is the first thing to consider. For example, suppose you work for a company that values work-life balance and allows you to manage your schedule. In that case, you can likely request some time off without any problems.

While there are some organizations where you have to show up to work early and stay late, leaving you no room for a work-life balance, such a rigid schedule can negatively impact your chances of requesting time off.

Therefore it is wise to find a company that has a good work culture and allows for a work-life balance. Though it’s difficult to assess a company's culture before you start working for it, tools like the Vantage Lens can be of great help in this regard.

Vantage Lens determines a composite score for the organization you want to work for, giving you some important context for understanding the organization's culture.

The company score is determined by aggregating reviews from three platforms - Google, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor - which provides valuable insight into the company's culture from the viewpoint of its employees.

2. Policies of the Organization

Every organization has policies regarding leave, such as sick leave, casual leave, vacation time, and personal days. These policies may vary from company to company and act as employees' guidelines.

Before you make any excuse for leaving early, you need to be aware of the rules laid down by the management in this regard. The information will help you understand what may be considered valid grounds for leaving early and what might not.

If you don't know your company's policies, you can take your HR department's help to clarify this.

3. Your habits in the workplace

Your current employer might not give you a hard time about leaving early if you are not the poster child for making excuses to leave work early.

Your habits in the workplace are a reflection of your work performance. So, if you are frequently seen with negative workplace habits, your employer might not take your request seriously.

Your employer will value you if you are consistent in your work routine and have a good work ethic. They will not view requests as excuses to leave work early.

4. Relationships with your supervisor

How you forge your relationship with your boss will impact many things in your career. Among them, one is your chances of leaving early.

When you have a good rapport with your supervisor, you will have a better chance of getting their approval. Furthermore, a professional and productive relationship with your boss will instill confidence and trust. So, you can make them better understand your situation and ask them to grant your request.

On the contrary, things can get a little grim if you are on bad terms with your boss. So, evaluate this factor before you come up with an excuse.

What are Some Good Excuses to Leave Work Early?

Whether you need to attend an unexpected event or simply need a break, there are times when it's necessary to leave the office before the clock strikes five. However, having a good excuse is key to making it happen. Here are some good excuses to leave work early.

1. Pounding headache


When your head is pounding, and you are in severe pain, you can hardly concentrate on anything else. It is something that happens out of the blue and is a perfect excuse for leaving work early.

For example, if you have had a migraine, your boss will probably understand how difficult it will be to work with the noise and light of the office. Chances are that they will let you off early so you can recover for the next day.

2. Doctor's appointment


A doctor's appointment is quite common, but that doesn't mean it is ineffective. Infact, it is a surefire way to get out of a sticky situation.

We all know how difficult it can be to get an appointment with a doctor, especially one who is well-known for their expertise. Your manager will understand such a situation.

It is best to inform your manager about your doctor's appointment in advance to notify them that you will be leaving early. It will give your manager time to prepare for your absence.

If your manager mandates a doctor's note or other documentation, it might not be the best excuse to use unless genuine.

3. Upset stomach


Bathroom troubles are a great excuse if you need to leave work early. Afterall, what kind of boss would keep you cooped up in the office with an upset stomach? Right?

By and large, your boss will understand your distress and let you leave early to tend to your health and well-being. If you're lucky, your boss might even throw in a hot water bottle and a box of tissues for good measure!

4. Sick child


There's no way that any manager will fail to understand this situation. A sick child is a legitimate reason to leave work early, afterall, what's more, important than your child?

Even if you have a pile of work, this excuse can get you out of the office for a few hours. Just let your manager know that your son/daughter is sick and there is no one to care for him/her. But don't use this excuse too often, or you may lose your manager's trust.

5. Illness of your pet


Our pets are no less than family members; their illnesses can greatly distress us. Most managers will grant your request if you need to leave work early to care for your pet or take it to the veterinarian.

The best situation to use this excuse is when your manager is also a pet owner and understands the stress involved in caring for a sick animal.

6. Business networking event


Attending a networking event as an excuse to leave work early can come in handy if you're in an industry that thrives on building relationships and networking. Your boss will be more than happy to grant your wish in anticipation that it can bring in some extra business to the company.

Whenever you use this excuse, try to highlight how the event will benefit your professional development goals as well as the company in the future.

7. Bank errands


Bank errands are something that most of us need to do frequently. The cherry on top: banks are closed outside of business hours, making it one of the most popular excuses to leave work early.

There are several scenarios that fit in easily with this excuse, such as:

  • Making a deposit for a large payment that is due soon.

  • Applying for a loan to cover unexpected expenses.

  • Opening a new account or transferring funds from another bank.

  • Closing an account that has become unmanageable.

  • Making a withdrawal to cover an emergency expense.

  • Updating personal information relevant to banking needs.

8. Religious obligation


No matter what religion you follow, rituals will always require your presence. Whether it's a weekly service, a day-long fast, or volunteering for religious charities, it can work as a genuine excuse for your early departure.

When you use this excuse, inform your boss beforehand and give him a heads-up. Tell him what the ritual is and how important it is to you. It will help your boss to understand your situation better.

In some countries, employers must accommodate their employee's religious beliefs and practices.

9. Unexpected home emergency or maintenance


A home emergency like burst pipes or a boiler breakdown is the ideal excuse to get out of the office ASAP - a great opportunity to demonstrate your heroic qualities by rushing to the scene and saving the day. You might even get a bonus for your troubles (just kidding).

Your boss will understand that it is an emergency, and the damage will intensify if you don't reach the scene in time. As such, you should be able to leave without much hassle.

Your manager is less likely to ask follow-up questions due to the urgency of the excuse.

10. Significant family event


If you have a family event coming up, it's a perfect excuse for an early take-off from work. Whether it's an aunt's surprise birthday party, your cousin's wedding, or your parent's anniversary dinner, it's a great reason to tell your boss you must leave early and be with your family.

11. Severe weather conditions or natural disasters


Severe weather conditions or natural disasters can be a great excuse to leave work early because it can put your safety at risk. For example, if there is a tornado warning in your area, leaving work and going to a safe place would be wise.

Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes can also be dangerous and can cause disruption to public transportation or other services, making it difficult to get home.

In these cases, it is best to leave work early and make sure you are in a safe place away from the disaster. Leaving early in these cases can help ensure your safety, which is why it's a great excuse.

12. Legal or court appointment


Legal or court appointment is an unavoidable obligation to exit early from work. For example, you might have to appear in court or meet with a lawyer to discuss a case.

These are legitimate cases, and your boss will understand. However, it's important to notify them before you leave early. You might need to explain how long you will need to be away.

13. Car trouble or transportation issue


One great excuse to leave work early is car trouble or a transportation issue. This works well because it is an unexpected and unavoidable problem that can happen to anyone.

If your car breaks down or public transportation is delayed, it's not your fault and not something you can control.

Additionally, You'll need to take time off to get your car fixed, and it's best to do so sooner rather than later. So, leaving early is the best option in such a situation, and your boss will understand.

14. School or education-related commitments


School and education-related commitments can be a great excuse to leave work early, especially if you're balancing work and studying for a degree, diploma, or other educational pursuits. For instance, if a major project is due soon, such as a paper or presentation, you may need to leave earlier to complete it.

Your employer will understand that giving you more time to focus on your academic goals will help you stay productive and organized in the workplace. So, it's a good idea to explain how much time you will need to be away and how you will cover up for the time you will be away.

15. Family emergency


Family emergencies are something that can be totally unexpected and requires immediate attention. It could include a death in the family, a medical emergency, etc. It’s understandable that you need to prioritize your family and take the necessary time off to address it.

Most employers will understand that family comes first and will be supportive in giving you the necessary time off.

Tips for Requesting to Leave Work Early


It's understandable that you need to beat the buzzer early and aren't sure of the most clever way to go about it. Worry not; we are here to make your life a bit easier.

Here are other tips to help you improve your chances of getting out of work early when you approach your supervisor.

1. Do your research

Putting up your request without having an idea of the company's culture, policies, and your reporting manager's personality can be a recipe for disaster.

When you understand these, you'll know how to present yourself and have a better chance of accepting your request.

Once you know what requests will be entertained and what won't, you can plan your excuse platter accordingly.

2. Be tactful in your choice of words

No matter what the situation, it is crucial to be professional in your communication with your boss. Be mindful of the words you choose when you speak with your manager. It will be helpful if you explain why you must leave early and how it will benefit you in the long run.

If you prove you have a genuine reason for needing to leave early, your manager will likely be understanding and supportive.

If you want time off, you don't need to beg your manager for it, nor should you act as if you are entitled to it. You have your dignity, and it is important to preserve it.

3. Choose the right time to ask

Everything has a time and a spot where it's meant to be. Similarly, you need to know when to ask for time off in the workplace. For example, requesting time off during rush hours or when your manager is already in a bad mood is a bad idea.

You should know how to read the room and put your request at a calm moment if possible.

4. Update on your current work and deadlines

When you request an early leave from the office, keep your manager in the loop about all your projects and how you're faring in them.

It will make your life easier if you can show your boss that you are actively working on your projects and you're ahead of your deadlines or atleast aligned with them.

5. Provide some documentation if required

Your case gets stronger if you put some effort into your documentation. For example, It's a good idea to provide your doctor's note in case of a medical appointment. Furthermore, emailing about your absence will help you build trust with your employer.

You can request an early leave from the office by different means: * An email, * A phone call * Or in person. However, try having a discussion in person with your boss - it may give you a better chance of having your request granted.

Excuses for Leaving Work Early That We 'DO NOT' Recommend

While you may think your reason is completely legitimate, it may come off as a sign of laziness or poor work ethic. Hence, it's probably best to avoid using bad excuses to leave work early – unless you intentionally want to be seen as a less-than-reliable employee. Think twice before using any of these excuses to leave work early.


1. Boredom

There is a possibility that you might feel bored at times, but that is not a good reason to leave early. Preferably, it is best to let your supervisor know you're done with your current tasks and have a new one to work on. It will increase your credibility in their eyes while killing your boredom.

2. Going to hang out with friends

Having a few friends in town to hang out with might be nice, but that doesn't mean you should skip work to do it. That will be a poor excuse to use and even make you look like a slacker.

In case of such events, plan it and request time off ahead of time. It will help you to enjoy time with friends without feeling guilty.

3. Being hungover

When your party hat is on, and you're living it up, you'll probably pay for it with a nasty hangover the next morning.

However, using a hangover as an excuse to leave work early the next day will make you look irresponsible. Nevertheless, it can also give your manager or supervisor a negative impression of you.

4. Recreational activities

It doesn't matter if you have a jamming session with your bandmates after work or booked a Zumba class; it is not a professional practice to ask your employer to leave work early for these reasons — unless it is a company-sponsored event.

Recreation and leisure time is important for your health and well-being. Still, it should not intermingle with your professional responsibilities.

5. Going for a job interview

Using a job interview as an excuse to leave work early is a big NO — unless you have been laid off. Such kind of request might jeopardize your current relationship with your employer.

Key Takeaways

It is important to understand that not all excuses are created equal. While some excuses are better, some make it harder to leave work early and even hurt your credibility.

Furthermore, excuses alone can't get you out of work early. Other factors such as company culture, organization policies, habits, and relationships with supervisors are crucial in increasing your chances of getting approval to leave early. Therefore, you should not use an excuse before understanding how your workplace operates. Also, it is essential to be honest, and not abuse the privilege of leaving early.

Overall, if you are in good standing with your employer, have a valid reason, and are honest, leaving work early should not be an issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it bad to ask your boss to leave work early?

It's okay to ask your boss for an early departure from work, but make sure to complete all essential tasks beforehand. Be polite and clear in your request, and prioritize important work to avoid misunderstandings.

2. Would asking to leave early at work be unprofessional?

It depends. If you frequently make this request without a valid reason, it can reflect poorly on your professionalism. However, if you have a legitimate excuse and have completed all of your assigned work, asking to leave early politely and professionally is acceptable.

3. What counts as a family emergency?

A family emergency is when something really important happens and you have to deal with it right away. This could be something like someone in your family getting really sick or passing away, or something bad happening to your home like a fire or flood. It's crucial to let your boss know about the emergency and figure out what you need to do next.

This article has been written by Sanjoy Khan Choudhury. He works as a Content Marketing Specialist at Vantage Lens. His areas of interest include music, marketing, cuisine, and anime. When he’s not writing, he’s usually singing to the tune of his guitar or finding some weird way to cook his meal.